
My baby is almost 9 months old and I can hardy believe it.

Big Butt

“Hey Momma, does that picture you just took make my butt look big?”

This past month or so, he’s been trying his hardest to “move”. His preferred mode of transportation is to push himself along our floor and slide on his stomach using his right leg and left arm to army crawl himself forward. In the past week, he’s actually managed to make a few “actual” crawling movements and I’m hoping that real crawling starts soon.



But he’s also been trying with everything in him to stand and to walk. I wouldn’t say that he can confidently furniture cruise, but he can definitely furniture cruise. The little guy falls as much as he stands and cruises, but boy does he ever try…..he is one determined little boy.

He loves to grab a hold of a stool or some other low piece of furniture and to “high center” himself…..that way he has the sense of standing without any of the actual effort….and the added bonus is that he can have his hands free to grab stuff. He is so SO wobbly and his little legs end up shaking and bobbing and wobbling. But, he is just a young baby with 30 pounds of weight that he’s trying to support. That’s a lot for a little guy, although he’s not so little, just young.

I can do this

“I can do this. I will do this. I am doing this………I think?!?”

One of the things that I LOVE watching about Judah is his determination. He is SO determined. I’m not saying that as a “positive spin” on stubborn-ness. Nope, I actually mean DETERMINED. He wants to try and he will continue to try over and over again to accomplish things until he can do them.

Hey There!

“Hey Momma, How’s it going? Look at me!”

I love watching my kids….all my kids. I learn so much from them. Each one of them has something amazing about them and they add that “something” into our family and we are SO blessed by them. This little boy is no different. I’ve often wondered how being born into the chaos, stress and fear that Judah was surrounded by, would effect him. He is so happy and my kids (and other people) often remark about how happy he is. He has this amazing sparkle in his eyes, his smile is incredible and his laugh…..oh my goodness, his laugh is unbelievable. It’s so contagious and heart warming.


Babies laughs are the best ever!

And when he misses a step, or wobbles off balance or has a low moment…..yes, just like us, he cries……but with a lot of love, snuggles and some hugs and kisses; he keeps on carrying on and tries again.


We all cry, eh?

Hopefully, we all carry on, too!

15 out of 56

Well, we are 15 days (2+ weeks) into Delayed Intensification 2 which is 56 days long (8 weeks). This is the second to last stage before Maintenance. So far, Geli has had a Lumbar Puncture, one dose of Intrathecal Methotrexate (into her spinal fluid), one dose of Peg L-asparaginase divided into two shots (one in each thigh). She has had two doses of Vincristine and 2 doses of Methotrexate (both of those into her port in her chest).

ColoringShe has been doing pretty well. There have been some down times, some barfy feeling moments, and a lot of great moments. Some times the chemo makes food and water taste “off” and that sucks. Sometimes, it’s difficult to sleep and yet regardless of how much sleep Geli does get, she feels overly tired most of the time.

Her body is working overtime to heal and process the poison injected into it and she’s fighting so hard and most definitely winning this race.

Geli has been at school all last week, except for Thursday when she had to go in for her last chemo dose. She has no chemo this week and we are planning for another great week at school.

Sweet BoyAs her parents, we are thrilled to see her attending school, hanging out with her friends, just being as normal as is possible in this crazy situation.

She is working hard on her grade 8 school work and while she’s not done as much work as is required from her school mates, she’s done really well on keeping up to date with the essential assignments that her teachers have given to her.

Angelica and a friend scored a perfect mark on an oral presentation that they have been working on over the past month or so. That was definitely a bright spot over this last week.

We’ve been out walking most days and the exercise and fresh air are wonderful. You don’t realize how much you take your health for granted until you spend a huge portion of a year not feeling well and laying on a couch and then you realize that even a simple walk requires almost more effort than you have to give. BUT….summer’s coming and swimming is important Siah & Gelienough that we are trying to build up strength so that we will be able to swim without needing a life jacket or having to rest after 5 mins.

We are really, REALLY looking forward to summer. Angelica will be on Maintenance and we will be defining a new normal and this summer will be a most welcome break from this past year. I think that we are all looking forward to a bit of a relaxing summer.

I’ve been trying desperately to stay on top of the house and have been running at warp speed from morning till night and unfortunately most of the night too (thank you very much children). I’ve had almost no down time and I’m desperate for summer with no homework, a bit more of a relaxed schedule, once a month visits into the hospital, no deadlines……I can’t wait.

Snow DayWe have managed to turn our house up side down and I think its a good thing, BUT…’s not without it’s challenges. We did move our bedroom down to the basement along with the two little boys. Geli and Xani are up in what was the master bedroom. Jeremy is still is his room and we’ve moved the “TV/Rec Room” up to the big room that used to be Siah’s. I will try to get pictures soon, but so far this particular room arrangement is working well.

Xani is still struggling pretty hard and it’s difficult to watch her struggle and hurt.

Jeremy is rocking his Lego Root Camp and just being Jeremy. Recently, we tweaked the meds that he’s taking and it’s made a great difference.

ColoringJosiah is 3 years old and while the whiny voice and testing of behavior is not the most fun….he’s doing really well. I believe that he’s settled greatly from the initial chaos and while there are still things that we can and will work on with him….he’s doing SO much better. We’ve been trying to color a bit and he’s loves to spend one on one time with anyone. He stresses a bit about not knowing “how” to color and wants to have one of us color “with” him by putting our hand over his, but we keep practicing and he’s getting a bit more confident that he “can” color all by himself.

Judah is getting so big and I can hardly believe that 8 months have past us by. While I’m still not eating wheat (he seemed to have some gluten issues), soy or dairy….the intestinal issues that Judah was dealing with seem to have settled and he is doing much better. I have never really had a baby who has eating issues and yet, Judah is giving me a run for my money.

He will eat rice puffs or rice cakes or potato puffs any time any where, but try to give him some thing that might actually have taste or nutritional value in it and he clamps his lips and crosses his arms in front of his face and uses his arms in a windshield wiping motion to knock the spoon out of your hand.
I’ve tried to see if he will feed himself and it’s very hit and miss and so I’m not stressing about it too much because I don’t want to “create” a HUGE issue. He’ll eat when he eats and seriously…’s not like he’s wasting away, eh? He’s quite the chunk!

He has the sweetest personality and is so happy and squish-able and lovable and we are just so thrilled he is ours. (I just wish he’d sleep a little more consistently – he can….it’s just very hit and miss and I think that more sleep would make this whole situation just a little easier to handle.)

All said, we are doing okay! I wouldn’t say that things are the MOST AMAZING EVER, but we are surviving. One day at a time, we are making it through this…….A lot of that is due to you and your prayers, encouragement, love and support……we are so thankful to you all.

March 6th – A Year Already!

I can”t believe that it’s already March 6th.

Happy Birthday, Jack Man!

My nephew is 1 year old today. How cool is that?

It’s hard to believe that it was a year ago that my sisters and I were pregnant together and we had no idea what was on our horizon.

I had the cousins over to my house the week before last. We had Michelle’s 3 kids and Debbie dropped off Jack and between us all, there were 9 kids in the house….3 under a year. It was wonderful chaos.

Then my sisters left and Jon and I were left alone with ‘ALL THOSE KIDS”.

It’s really not that bad because the older 5 kids are all 10 and older and so it’s not like they require intense supervision….just a holler out here and there. There’s Josiah and the babies to watch and as long as the gate is up….we’re golden. They just crawl around on the main level and play with all the toys. If I occasionally throw them some food bits, then they are more than happy.

I tried to get a picture of the three of the little boys and well……I wasn’t as successful as I had hoped to be.


I think this next one was the best of the bunch and it’s not that great….


Being the oldest and the most responsible, Jack’s just had to do a quick butt check and he was happy to report that all was clear. That smell must have just been some gas or something, but Judah totally blamed it on Zach…


The girls had been helping to distract the babies and then they left…..


Jack crawled off to try to find them and that left the two boys….Zach had a rice cake he was muching on and Judah was quite upset that he didn’t have one. Here he is voicing his disapproval.


Judah: “Hey Zach, You don’t mind if I have some of that cookie, do you?”


Judah: “Look, Just hand it over and no one gets hurt.”


Judah: “Wise Move, Dude! Wise Move.”


Judah: “Man, I love these things”


Zach: “What Just Happened?”
Judah: “Yup, I can still fit an entire half a rice cake in my mouth. I’m so amazing!”


Jack got a little upset at Judah for stealing Zach’s Rice Cake….


But he quickly mellowed out when I told him that I had extra rice cakes for everyone.


Zach was pretty happy about that too.


I tried one more time to get a good group shot….


Judah was pretty happy and Jack seemed either mesmerized or traumatized, but Zach wasn’t exactly happy about that creepy looking Uncle Jon who was trying to get the boys to smile.


Either that or he was just upset that Judah kept crowding in on him…


And then he lost it…..


So I grabbed all three of the boys and we had a quick snuggle.


I sure do love these little boys!

Oh Man….

well, life just keeps on flying by and I keep thinking I should post something and then, I have no energy to do so….

In bullet points:

– Geli started Chemo on Monday
– She got chemo shots into her thighs on Tuesday
– She went back to school on Wednesday (hopefully for a good portion of the next month)
– Jeremy is LOVING the newest Robot Camp
– Jeremy will do ANYTHING for a Lego mini fig (He cleaned the kitchen spotless is less than 15 mins and that is basically a Christmas Miracle)
– Xandra caught up on ALL her homework (because I bought the latest Maximum Ride Series Book and wouldn’t let her read it until everything was up to date)
– Geli is ALMOST caught up on her homework but she was really, REALLY behind.
– Geli is having a hard time adjusting to a “normal schedule” (She’s finding it hard to get to sleep at night and as a result is overly tired in the morning making mornings a bit tougher than they should be)
– I saw the psychologist at BCCH yesterday and cried too much (now I’m just trying to process everything and trying to figure out what I’m going to do moving forward)
– We are contemplating our living arrangements and trying to figure out is there is a better room allocation that would work for us.
– Jon’s scheduled appointment to give blood is tomorrow morning.
Megamind comes out on DVD today and we are planning to watch it tonight as a family.
– Baby turned 8 months old yesterday and his cousins came to play and I have a bazillion photos to plow through today.
– I love my sisters. Am thinking of them lots today. They are AMAZING!
– I am having too many “I should be doing…..” thoughts and it’s wrecking my life….I need to think through and just “DO” and not get so caught up in what I should be doing. It’s harder to do than it might seem.
– About the previously mentioned room allocation….would you consider turning the basement into the “master bedroom”? Why or why not? Any thought?
-And with that I’m out….I’ve got a mountain (5 large loads) of laundry that I need to fold. Ick!

Here and There (continued)

Well, I managed to update once yesterday and then it was time for the kids to come home from school and things just went downhill from there.

I forgot to give Jeremy his medicine yesterday and I can’t fathom why his teacher didn’t have him call home. If his behaviour after school was consistent with his behaviour during the day…..all I can say is, “WOW!”

2:59pm Xandra came home from school. My dad dropped her off but Jeremy stayed behind for “Robotics Camp”. Judah was SO excited to see her. He is always so glad to see the kids when they come home.


3:03pm We took this picture to send to Jon, just for Xandra to say, “I love you, Dad!”


3:45pm I find it so hard to believe that we generate THIS MUCH GARBAGE…..I sweep on average, 2-3 times a day and always manage to sweep up a decent mess. Man! Makes we feel like we’re pigs or something……


3:47pm Xandra worked on her homework! She is trying to catch up on a bunch of stuff that she fell behind on over Christmas and in January. She has one more project to hand in and then she’s done…..and then we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief. I’m sick of ragging on her to do her homework!


4:08pm I left Xandra and the computer to babysit and ran up to the school to pick Jeremy up from Robot Camp…..Josiah has watched more movies in the past 7 months than he has in his entire life. At this point, I’m just trying to survive….


4:12pm I had exactly 2 minutes of complete silence before I went in to pick up Jeremy!


4:16pm My Sweet Boy – He LOVES the Robotics Camp and we are so glad that he has found a hobby that he excels at.


4:24pm I managed to throw through a couple of loads of laundry today. Didn’t get them put away, but washed, dried and folded is at least 3/4 of the way through the process…


4:27pm On the other side of the world……here is the wall that is directly across from Geli’s bed…It’s all of us who can’t be with her….cheering her on, if only in picture! You’re never alone, Geli! Never alone!


4:28pm An amazing guy we know dropped off this mini fridge so that Jon and Geli could put decent food in it. The main fridge in the kitchen is always crowded and overflowing and so this is a HUGE blessing! Thanks, Reg! You Rock!


4:48pm Jon sent this picture through of Geli’s room all decorated for Valentines Day! I believe that she and her cousins made these???? Pretty, eh?


5:14pm What is it with 5 o’clock, anyway??? This was the start of many, MANY meltdowns in our family last night.


5:18pm Meanwhile, Jon and geli decided to go for a walk. They went to the Safeway just down the block from BC Children’s Hospital and also to the Dollar Store where they found this sweet pink hat with flames and the name “Angel” on it. They also picked up some socks! You never seen to have enough of something when you are at the hospital…sometimes its underwear, sometimes socks or shirts….something always gets missed in the packing. Unfortunately, we live too far away to just pop over to drop something off and usually they have to determine whether they can wait until we come in next or just go ahead and pick something up.


5:31pm We had soup for dinner, AGAIN! I’m trying to figure out how I can convince the kids to have it one more night. Maybe we’ll do cereal to shake things up a little. We’re living large over here, I tell ya….LIVING LARGE!


5:48pm While we finished up dinner, Jon and Geli walked “home” in the beautiful Vancouver dusk.


6:05pm We had some ice cream for dessert. These are little gluten free Oatmeal cookies with Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream in the middle for a delicious Ice Cream Sandwich!


6:15pm And I’m counting down the minutes until I can put the kids to bed. Don’t want it to be too early because then they get up too early and so I need something to waste some time…..


6:43pm A bath usually takes up a good chunk of time and it’s hard to be miserable when you’re in the bath.


6:44pm Siah’s faces are priceless!


6:56pm Jon and Geli made spaghetti dinner and said it was delicious…they even had seconds!


At this point, I was trying to get boys into bed and things were a little intense. By 8 o’clock, Siah was asleep, Jeremy had woken up Judah, Judah was crying, Jeremy was crying and then I started crying. Between Judah feeling sick with this plague that has swept through our family and cutting teeth, I’ve had less then 4 hours of sleep a night for the last week and those 4 hours……have been in less than 1 hour chunks. Apparently, I can sort of hold myself together for a week with next to no sleep and then…….and then I cannot hold myself together any more.

The house was a complete mess, the cleaners were coming the next day and nothing was picked up for them, the baby was still awake, Jeremy was crying himself to sleep and I was crying and messaging with Jon on my phone.

8:13pm It was a pretty sad moment. I sat on the edge of my bed and rocked and rocked and rocked this little one while messaging with Jon and my momma.


8:27pm And then he slept and then I crawled into bed and began what was to be another LOOOOOOONNGGGG night!


I have an appointment tomorrow morning with our family doctor to get Judah checked out. Xandra, Josiah, and my Momma are starting to do better after a week of whatever this plague is and I’m pretty sure that Judah will be okay as well, but he is wheezing quite a bit and while that’s probably just because his airways are so much smaller, I want to have him checked out before the weekend.

Here and There

Well, while my family is split up for the next little bit, we decided to send each other pictures of what we are doing so we feel a little less separated and a little more involved.

Here’s what Geli and Jon are doing at 9:46am. They made Eggs & Toast and are eating them in the Kitchen on 2B….We are so thankful that they are on 2B (the 2nd floor of the oncology ward) with access to a kitchen so that they can eat good food and not be stuck with the hospital food. While the hospital food is not “HORRIBLE”, it’s not “DELICIOUS” either.


Here at home, we had sent the kids off to school and were thinking about putting the baby down for a nap. But instead, we took a picture on the stairs.


This was my view at 11:41am…..I’m working on this post, Siah’s watching a movie and Judah’s just chillin’ and eating some steamed taro root cubes.

My HipstaPrint 0

11:49am and Jon& Geli are up on 3B (the main Oncology ward) and are playing a little air hockey. Jon is WHOOPING Geli’s butt!


They’ve discontinued one of Geli’s Antibiotics. She was on two different ones and now she is only on the broad spectrum one. The cultures that they’ve been doing have all been negative since the 4th day in. Now we are just waiting out this round of antibiotics before she can come home. Aside from feeling a bit “off” first thing in the morning, she’s feeling fabulous. Her counts are still really low. For example, the number that indicates the amount of infection fighting “soldiers” needs to be over .5 for her to even consider going to school….as of this morning, that number was at a .08….so she really has almost no ability to fight anything off right now. We are praying for her numbers to come up quickly. She can’t even start her next round of chemo until that number is at a .75…..we got a ways to go before she hits that.

12:50pm Sometimes, this whole toilet training business is harder than it seems…. He called me to help him and this is how I found him…


1:13pm Judah’s playing with the Shadows on the floor. It’s so nice to see the sun out.


1:18pm Aunty Chelle and the Cousins visit. It’s so nice that they can visit when we can’t…..


1:47pm Geli and Brianna playing a game……


2:17pm This is what over tired, a sore throat and teething looks like….


2:31pm Sleep…..Sweet Sleep!


2:47pm Playing Air Hockey with Baby Zach (with a little help from Aunty Chelle)


I’ll be updating this post with the rest of today’s pics as they happen……

Oh, and if you haven’t yet, would you go here and help me out? Huge thanks to all those who’ve already left your suggestions, I love hearing what you all have to say!

Sunday Night Ramblings brought to you by our iPhone(s)

Well, it’s Sunday night at 7:45pm and I’m looking at a ton of random photos from both mine and Jon’s phone…… These pictures sort of highlight the past few days of our family, both here at home and at the hospital.

Seeing as I’ve managed to get the 3 kids that I have at home down, I thought I might try to throw them up into a post along with some of my random “brain thingys……”

This was Jon’s chair bed……..and then he got upgraded to a cot, but it was horrid…all lumpy and wires and bars sticking up and out and totally uncomfortable…..


This is actually the lumpy nasty bed………..


He then took a few test rides on some of the cots in the empty rooms on the floor that Geli is on and ended up with a deluxe bed…….that pretty much looks exactly the same as the picture above. In fact, you’d never be able to tell the difference. And this is where you all start with the “Princess and the Pea” jokes for him right about now…….Ha Ha HA!

It’s amazing how the dynamic in the house changes when you add or subtract people and right now, we are 3 people short over here and Xandra and Jeremy actually “played nicely” on Saturday morning. Here is the Lego maze that they created. It was supposed to be a game board…..Not sure if they actually played a game or not?


We went for a walk on Saturday afternoon. Like I mentioned earlier, Siah’s been staying at my mom’s because he’s been a coughing, snotting, germy mess…..He’s missing us and I’m missing him dearly and so my mom suggested that we go for a walk and hopefully with all the fresh air, we wouldn’t pass the germs around.

What??????? Don’t you take your Lego robots for walks with you?


While we were playing and walking and doing a bunch of other boring stuff, Jon and Angelica slept in FOREVER and then they had some DELICIOUS hospital breakfast…….


Later, they got in a little exercise……you can see that she’s really going fast…look at the blur that should be her legs…


After a little clean up (cause riding a bike can be sweaty, sweaty work) they headed down to the kitchen to play some Monopoly. Geli must not be feeling a hundred percent because Jon KICKED HER BUTT! Like really, REALLY badly, and she ALWAYS wins! So Weird!


Meanwhile, we walked and walked and walked and walked… know, the whole theory that if you tire the kids out, then maybe they’ll sleep really good….ya doesn’t always work for my kids. SUCKS! Along the way, my strange kids were kinda creeped out by these Alien Pods – but I have no idea where they got that idea from….none at all!


But, we finally made it to the park….


The kids played and climbed and went on the swings and up and down the slides and onto the monkey bars and we only had to yell at them to avoid all the other children a half a dozen times… that point, the parents were just high tailin’ it outta there anyway…… (okay, all of that was totally made up…..There were ONLY 4 other pre-teen boys “hanging out” there and they only had the rescue Siah “once” from climbing up the tallest part of the tallest play structure…That child is seriously part goat and the other part is monkey….he’s amazing!)

We managed to deal with Little Master Siah McSnotterson. This way, you only have to deal with the snot once as opposed to blowing his nose a million times, and it totally saves the jacket from needing a wash too. Come on! You parents know what I’m talking about….if there isn’t a kleenex around the slug slime goes from one wrist up to the shoulder on both sides. BLECH! I’m shuddering just thinking about it.


Judah had fallen asleep while we were there, and it was so nice to just sit on the park bench and to not have to “do” anything. After we had been there a while, I loving asked Josiah, in the softest most gentle voice that I own to not do something that he was doing…..and Judah woke up. You’d think that it would take something more like a yell or scream to wake that kid up……you might be right? At least he wakes up happy, eh?


As we walked home, the kids all needed to express their inner Jackie Chan by doing “maneuvers” on the fence…This is Jeremy’s best shot of the “Despicably Crouching Tiger” Amazing, isn’t it? Such skill and finesse!


Xandra dropped a mean “Flowering Stork” on us…..


I tried to ask Siah which maneuver he was pulling off and the best I can gather from what he was mumbling behind those trailing kleenex’s was that he was really working on the “Dangling Walrus”. It’s a two person move as you can tell by the picture and my mom very graciously offered to stand in for him.


These pictures are really just bonus pictures just because I love them and they make me smile……..


This is a picture from before Geli and Jon went into the hospital, but I’m putting on here anyway. I love that its blurry cause he’s moving so fast, but you can see his two little front teeth sticking out and the nerdly glasses combined with the swooshy hair….this picture is priceless to me!


This picture CRACKS me up. The look on Geli’s face is amazing. You can almost hear her saying, “Huuuuuh?”


And in this one it looks like Judah’s trying to figure out who is ‘in” the phone.

Well, I ate a million gluten free oatmeal cookies with a cup of almond milk and called it dinner….I figure it’s exactly the same as porridge, right? Well if that’s the case, why do I feel SO GROSS! Yuck! Time for a millions cups of water and possibly an early-ish bedtime…..if I’m smart!

And with that…..I’m off! Hope you’re weekend was a good one! Care to share what the highlight of your weekend was?

What a Blur

This week has just flown past.

Not in a good, awesome, I wish it would have slowed down so we could have enjoyed all the wonderful goodness that we could possibly get, but more like a….I’m so tired because no one in this house is sleeping and the days have now run into one ginormous blur and I just want to be a bear so that I could hibernate for an entire winter.

Eating and sleeping….that sounds about perfect to me, right about now.

Jon and Geli have gone into the hospital to check her levels as we suspect that she may need either red blood or platelets….or both.

So Today could be a LOOOOONG boring day for them, but if she does get blood and/or platelets, it might help her to feel better. She’s been feeling really off and I believe it has to do with the Ara-C. I am SO incredibly thankful that she only gets 2 weeks of that drug as opposed to the 4 weeks of it, last time around. I don’t know how she would do if she had to take another 2 weeks of it. It’s a pretty hard core, nasty drug. We believe that she’s hit the bottom of the valley and it headed back up the mountain – figuratively speaking, but she’s still feeling like she’s stuck somewhere in a foggy, dark valley and it’s hard when you can’t see the light or the top side of the mountain….if ya know what I’m saying.

Basically, she’s tired. This is a HUGE and LONG fight and she’s very tired.

Judah’s been acting like….like…..well, like a baby and waking every couple of hours in the night. I’m waking for him to cycle back out of this nasty stage and back into the “only waking once a night” stage. This current stage sucks and I much prefer to get “actual” sleep.

Do you know how fast a family of 7 can take a house from clean to “not very tidy”? It’s pretty much instant! Boooo – and that is why I HATE cleaning!

I’d really like some chocolate or a cookie or something else that I probably shouldn’t have……You know, something with gluten or dairy and sugar.

And, that’s all the time I have for today as the baby just woke up from his incredibly short nap……..SUCKS!

Oh well, I’ll try to find some rest and joy and I’ll meet ya back here later.

Update for Tuesday January 25th

Today is a busy day over here.

Jon and Geli left at 7:15 to go into Vancouver for some more chemotherapy. They were hoping to get in and get started on what is supposed to be a VERY LONG DAY and the traffic has been so bad that even now at 9am…they are still not there. They are close, but not there yet.

Their day will most likely look like this.

Show up, get accessed (the IV into her VAD), get blood drawn, wait 30mins to an hour for blood test results, then most likely get a platelet transfusion, and quite possibly a red blood transfusion, then a dose of chemo via IV and then another dose of chemo shot directly into her thigh muscles, then they have to wait an additional 3 hours to make sure that she has no reaction to the intramuscular shot and then they get to head home. They should arrive home any where from 6pm-8pm tonight.

That’s a whole 12 hour day……YUCK!

Out here, we are headed into 2 appointments for Judah to see how things are going for him. He seems to be doing okay and I’m really hoping for some great and amazing news from his appointments today.

Angelica is doing pretty good. She is still having some nasty headaches, although on the pain scale they’ve gone down from a solid 8 out of 10 to a 3 out of 10 and while that seems like a fabulous drop in pain to have had constant headaches for over a week….even a mild headache is annoying. I think that the constant pain is wearing. She had a pretty down day on Sunday and that seems to be when she bottomed out and things have headed up from there. She’s pretty tired and today’s blood test will give us more answers as to why.

We’ve been giving Xani something to help her sleep and it’s amazing the difference when she gets a little bit of sleep, but we still need to deal with “WHY” she’s not sleeping and some of the emotional crap that she’s not processing very well. We have been in contact with one of the psychologists at BC Childrens and I’m going to go in and talk with her next week and then we’ll take Xani in.

Other than that things are going okay and we are just trudging along taking things day by day.