A Little Catch Up……with pictures

You might think that caring for a newborn in a hospital shouldn’t be that difficult and well….its not difficult – it’s just challenging.

Either I hold him or I put him down on my cot or Geli holds him, but really I don’t like to let him cry or fuss too much as I don’t want to bother the nurses or any of the other patients on the ward and so the majority of the time…..I’m holding Judah.

Which, to be honest, I’m not too upset about, but it really means that there is almost nothing that I can get done that requires 2 hands…..but I am getting really good at doing mostly everything with one hand…..mostly everything. Somethings just require focus and concentration and we’ll just leave it at that………

About 2 weeks ago, Angelica did something to her left hamstring and it spasm-ed and pulled all tight and totally confused the Dr’s and nurses and physio-therapists……everyone was wondering if it was something related to the chemo meds, but in the long run…we’re thinking muscle spasm as it’s been able to be worked out…..mostly!

The physio-therapist came and suggested some exercises…..this was about as far as she could bend it….

As Far as it Will Bend

And so as not to hurt it more and so that she wouldn’t torque her body trying to compensate for the hurt leg, they suggested she use crutches for a while….

Up on Crutches

I will admit that I was a bit worried as she had been kind of dragging the leg like it was dead or like she was the Hunchback of Notre Dame…..but the crutches have been given back and aside from a little bit of tightness which she is working on stretching out….it’s almost as good as new. We are so thankful that wasn’t a big deal.

The nurses here seem to be so amazed at how independent and responsible that Geli is. She is really taking responsibility for her own health in so many ways and gets up and makes her own meals when she is hungry….that’s the one that seems to really amaze people. I just figured that it was normal for a 13 year old girl to know how to cook…..seems normal to me, anyway?!?

She made perogies the other day….her favorite, but because her body is currently in a diabetic state – they are not something she can have very often…which is very sad!


Most of the time when I have to run to the toilet….Geli holds Judah and is typically able to get him to settle down if he’s a bit fussy. She’s an AMAZING big sister….


Last Thursday was the first time that we had all been home together as a family of seven….since our lives changed on June 16th…..it was so nice to all be together, even if only for a few hours.

Headed Home (in the van)

Headed Home in the Van…Dad had run to Starbucks quickly!

Geli really wanted to have a barbeque lunch and asked that we pick up some chips because you can’t have a barbeque without chips…..

Making Lunch

Making Lunch

She took her portion and then Siah claimed the rest of the bag as his own and valiantly fought off having to share with the other kids….little brat!!!

Eating Chips

Jeremy worked on keeping things real by parking his butt in front of the Computer pretty much the whole time….

Watching a Movie

I don’t know how we missed out on Xani, but she was there….I promise!

and Nana got in some sweet baby cuddles….It was a pretty hot day….hence the naked baby!

Snuggles with Nana

The time flew by WAY TOO FAST and we hd to head back into the hospital. It was so nice to “BE” together in the comfort of our own home…..and hopefully we’ll be back together again very soon!

And now, my littlest baby is starting to fuss and I must go and get him….

Not “THE” list, but I’m making one nonetheless..

First of all, I’m thrilled that some of you are delurking and entering for the giveaway.

I just wanted to say that if I “know” you in real life, and you feel like you’ve stumbled across this little secret thing, and you’re feeling like you aren’t sure if it’s okay…..

I’m writing about my life in the internet. It really can’t get much more open than that. I’m really okay with “you” – whoever you are – reading about me and whatever I choose to blather on and on about, and the only reason that I’m not passing out cards saying “READ ME” is because I like to pretend that I’m even a little bit classy, eh?

So, go ahead…out yourself. Sign up for the chance to win a free piece of jewelry. I’d love to give it to you…yah, YOU! I’m talking to you. So head on over and leave a comment and then we’ll cross our fingers and toes and legs (ya know…….if we’re laughing too hard) and hope that it’s you that wins.

And, if you entered the last contest and didn’t win….please enter again….You might win too, and I’d be more than thrilled to give the prize to you.

And moving on, today is my list making day.

Yesterday was my “OH MY GOSH, I CAN BREATHE AGAIN BECAUSE I HAVE NO STRESS OR PRESSURE TO GET THINGS DONE” day. I’ve been a bit busy, recently, and had a few deadlines, and really…it was all sitting quite heavy on me. And when I woke up yesterday, I actually felt like I had NOTHING…NOT. ONE. SINGLE. WEIGHT. resting on my shoulders.

Which of course is crap because I got tons to do, and if I don’t got tons to do, then I should really be decluttering my house….cause it really needs a thorough scraping.

So today, I’m making a list of the things that I need to get done before I have my annual Ladies Christmas Party, next Thursday. I’m planning on spreading everything out so that I can accomplish everything that I want and need to do without SPAZZING out on Thursday day trying to round up every last little thing for the evening.

I’m good at leaving things late and then getting it all done, but the stress of doing that…..yah, it’s getting old.

I’m also thinking about something and for those of you who are local – lemme know what you think?

I’m thinking of having an open house for a couple of hours in either an evening or on a Saturday morning and having my jewelry laid out to look at, and we could chat and have a coffee and Eggnog or some Cider, and maybe you could do some Christmas Shopping, if you were interested……

So, let me know what you think?

But, Now….now I gotta go and actually MAKE my list instead of just thinking and talking about making the list.

Bring on the New

Alright….so I updated my store. I added 26 new pieces of jewelry to it, and I still have about another dozen pieces that I need to photograph and get added. I’ve even added a “Men’s” section.

I LOVE making this jewelry, and seeing others choose and enjoying the unique pieces that I make is pretty amazing, too.

Head on over to the store and check out the jewelry. Particularly the new stuff, if you’ve already seen the original pieces.

I’ll be having another giveaway that I’ll probably post about tomorrow. The last Giveaway was SO MUCH FUN that I wanted to do it again. I’m thinking about making it a MONTHLY EVENT! Wouldn’t that be fun?

So be watching for your chance to enter……

I love some of the new necklaces. This particular one is my new favorite…

Which one is YOUR favorite piece?

Too Busy – Looking Forward to Next Week

This week is insane for me.

My house is a disaster. I have a butt load of music to plan. I have to practise my mad guitar skillz. I gotta make some more necklaces to sell. I still have to fold the Mt. Everest of laundery sitting in my front room….plan and make dinners…pay bills…buy groceries….and all I want to do is to go to sleep.

As mentioned in my previous post I’ve been experiencing a bit of a Niagra Falls experience over here, and I think that as a result I think I might have a bit of low iron situation going on. I’m currently taking Floradix and am hoping that will help things out, but right now – I’m a cold, tired, whiney baby!

I have also been a bit distracted by the whole US Election, and am waiting to see the results of that.

In other fun and exciting news, Jeremy blew our microwave up on the weekend. Well, it didn’t technically blow up and it even still works, but he put a “warm bag” in to heat it up so that he could snuggle wth it and instead of putting it in for 2 minutes…..he went with the whole “If 2 minutes is good, then 10 minutes would be better” thought process, and seeing as we are such attentive parents, we didn’t notice until we started asking ourselves what the idiots downstars were burning this time, and ONLY AFTER multiple sniff checks through the floor heating grates did we come to the conclusion that THAT HORRID SMELL was actually coming from somewhere in our house….and OH MY GOODNESS CRAP! What the heck is in the microwave, and why is the microwave covered in orange yuck and man….put that thing out on the back deck…..

So, we are currently microwave-less. Which is not the end of the world because we were planning on doing it anyway – you know……bad radiation waves, and reverse polarisation and all that crap….and seriously…the stupid microwave was given to us as a gift by my grandparents before we got married as an engagement gift……oh…..400 years ago….or maybe just 13+ years ago and it’s had a good long life.

This just means that we have to think ahead in reagards to defrosting meat and reheating cups of cold tea or coffee. It’ll all be good – Right?

Well, the baby is still sleeping – it’s been two hours and so I’m going to go and work on some necklaces which means that as soon as I open everything up and just get started he’ll wake up….that way I’ll be sure to be completely frustrated and not just a little.

How’s your week been so far? Could you go micro-wave-less in your house?

103.8 and Vision

That was Josiah’s temperature this morning when I finally was concerned enough at how hot he was and took it.

Not fun! NOT FUN AT ALL!

He slept peacefully until 3:45am and at that point I didn’t notice anything. He nursed and went straight back to sleep. Then when he woke up at 5 something…..Jon cuddled him and when he finally got him down he said that when he picked him up he was shivering badly.

He woke up again at 6ish and I went to go and get him and he was shivering terribly and I noticed that his head was quite hot. I brought him to bed and nursed him and he laid beside me and shivered. It was so sad.

Finally at about 6:45am was when I took his temp.

So, he’s been sleeping off and on since then. He is still trying to be happy and funny and chattering about things, but only for just a word or two and then he lays his head down like it’s way to heavy for him to hold up.

I gave him a bit of Tylenol because I figured that his temp was quite high enough and because he seemed to be really uncomfortable.

He perked up right around the time that the Tylenol would have kicked in and although his temp didn’t go down as low as I’d have liked, it’s still down some.

I have a feeling that I’ll be sitting, cuddling and nursing a fair bit today.


I’m hoping that IMAGE OPTOMETRY calls me today. Last Wednesday, I was wearing my glasses…. (click here to see my lovely beauties. It’s a bad shot, but seeing as I’m the one ALWAYS behind the camera there aren’t so many of me.)….and they fell right off my face, hit the table and landed on the floor in two pieces.

The arm had fallen off.

They’d had a good life – I bought them 3.5 years ago and have worn them just about all the time.

See, I have really light sensitive eyes. It’s not so bad when I’m pregnant, but I noticed it back in between when I was pregnant with Geli and Xandra, and has pretty much been wearing sunglasses ALL THE TIME since then.

I’ve gone and had my eyes checked and all is good – I have a slight prescription, and my eyes tend to run on the dry side, but all of this completely unhelpful information is just to let you know that if you see me, I’m not “rock star-ring” out. My eyes are just bothered by the light. Outside is really bad, but I’ve also noticed that inside is bothering me too, and so I just wear my lightly tinted glasses all the time, now. I also get wicked migraines and light can be a trigger so…..yah, so. I don’t know whereall I’m going with all that so I’ll just stop….

Anyway, I popped off to Image Optometry which is where the BEST OPTOMETRIST in the world works.

A big shout out to Dr. Jesse Manhas – amazing AMAZING Doctor. We love him.

Anyhoooooooo, I got the coolest glasses….and when I actually pick them up (they’re calling me either today or tomorrow to come and get them) – I’ll take a picture and show you.

They have tinted the glass and then used the Transitions technology on top of that….so they will always be tinted but they will go dark outside. Sweet! I’ve wanted this for a while, but just never did it.

I’m so excited. I can’t wait.

I should take a pic and show you the cheap “in between” pair that I bought in the mean time…..maybe if I get around to it, because I’m sure you all want to see them, don’t you? You know you do….

Well, I’m off to finish getting ready for the day (makeup and hair and all that crap) and to call the kids school to let them know that I won’t be helping out at lunch today….stupid fever.


I do have a bunch of new jewlery to add to the store, and if I have the time today…I’ll try to make it happen. I’ve got some really cool necklaces and bracelets and even some mens necklaces to add into the mix.

So, check back soon to see the new stuff.

Announcing the Winner

Alrighty….are you guys ready to find out who won the giveaway?

I know that I was. I woke up this morning and my first thought was, “Now we get to find out who won!”

That thought was followed closley by, “What time is it?” and “I gotta take a shower this morning.

So, now that you are all informed as to my morning musings….

Let get this party started.

I typed out all the names of the entries and printed them out.

I was going to use the random generator from here, but then I thought that what could be more random than this…..

Alright, so as you all saw and heard…..


Yah, Jannine! If you could e-mail me your address and let me know which piece of jewelry that you’d like – I’ll get that mailed out right away.

To the rest of you who entered, as my way of saying “THANKS SO MUCH!” for entering and speading the word, if you order something between now and December 31st, 2008 I’m offering a 20% discount off your order. Just enter this code GIVEAWAY20 during checkout.

Thanks so much to you all.

This was so much fun, that I’m already thinking about my next giveaway………stay tuned!

Day Number One

Well, Here is it actually into Day 2 of the 30 Days of Nothing and of the Official Store Opening….I still get a kick about that..I’m chuckling to myself over here, and I’m not sure if it’s just that funny to me, or if I’m just overtired.

It’s 12:07am, and I’mm going to bed.

I was out at the grocery store today and I picked up a few things – of which I’ll talk about tomorrow; AND….I’ve been frantically adding some new product to the store, and I still have another dozen items to add, BUT….

I’m going to bed.

It’s been an awesome day.

I have more thoughts and musings – that may or may not be funny to anyone else but me, but seeing as I’m not sure if it’s really funny or just the sleep depravation talking…I’ll just hold onto it all until tomorrow.