The Catch Up Post (with WAY TOO MANY pictures)

Wow!  It’s been almost a week since I posted anything…..okay…maybe not a week, but it’s been 5 days, and that’s a week’s worth of work.  Any way, we are officially on VACATION right now.

It’s Fabulous *snort*…..yah!  A vacation at home with 3 bigs kids, and one newborn, and a husband who is still trying to catch up on a back log of work in his “down time”, and a messy house, and activites scheduled and then having to be “arranged” around a nursing baby’s schedule, and a screaming baby when we are on the road and it’s feeding time, and that’s just the tip of the fun we’ve been having…….OH THE JOYS!

As I mentioned last time, we decided NOT to go on vacation up to Vasseaux Lake, and instead we would stay home where we had all the gear, and didn’t have to pack anything up, and then just spend money on random bits of fun here locally. 

On Friday night, We invited friends of ours over and we had a birthday party for one of our friends. 

Holly's Birthday

Yah!  It was the first time that I’d had anything at our house, and well… went pretty well, but things took a little onger than I had expected.  EVERYTHING takes longer with a newborn around. 

Dave and JosiahWe even had a surprise guest from Labanon.  Jon’s brother was in town, and came out for the party. 

It was nice to see him, and for him to be able to see Josiah for the first time.  They only just left, so it was a nice surprise to see him again soo soon. 

It was a fun night for all, until the babies started to go beyond what they could handle, and everything was shut down, and we all parted ways to put the children to bed. 

Do they really even realize what power they hold at such a young age?

On Saturday, we “showed up at our cabin for the week” and would you believe it????…….the last people to use the place had left it a mess…..can you believe it?  So we had to spend our first day at the “vacation cabin” cleaning up.  That was Saturday….ALL DAY! because they fussed for the entire day about “HAVING” to clean up, and it took ALL FREAKIN’ DAY to get the house cleaned.  Talk about frustrating…..  We did go out to a nie Greek Food restauraant with Denver and Debbie, but I forgot my camera.  Lucky for us, Debbie had hers, so as soon as she sends the pics to me (HINT, HINT) I can post those.

Sunday we got up and we thought about going to church, and then quickly dismissed that idea ’cause it would have meant that we needed to rush, and I really wasn’t into rushing.  I’m feeling the lack of sleep these days.  It’s not too bad, and I’m really not complaining, ’cause this little angel child only wakes at 2am and 5am (like I’ve mentioned before) and mostly just eats and falls right back to sleep unless he gets a air bubble that he won’t let go of.  He really likes to hold onto his burps.  It really takes an act of God to get him to burp. 

Hanging at StarbucksAny way, we went into Vancouver to see Chris, and then we were going to go to Granville Island and check out the market and see if we could find any “weird, cool, unique and unfamiliar fruits” that we could try out for fun.  We might not send our kids with a dollar to the candy store at Granville Island, but we will take them there and search out weird fruits…..hey, if you say it with enough excitement in your voice – you can make just about anything sound fun.

We stayed with Chris for a long time, and had a REALLY GOOD TIME, but by the time we were done, we couldn’t go to Granville Island.  It was too late – maybe another day.  Instead we took the kids to Red Robins, and they were wonderful little angels.  Which was a miracle, as they’ve been a bit wild recently.

We had to stop at the Farm Market to pick up some fruits and veggies on our way home, and Jon took the kids into the Market while I sat in the car and nursed Josiah.  Josiah was still going strong when they were finished, and so they played in the gravel parking lot.  Who knew that a gravel parking lot could be so much fun.  See how sad they are to be leaving…what a bunch of goofs.

Not Happy

On Monday, Jon worked in the moring while the kids tore the house apart, and I tried to sleep (Sooooooo tired – I know……I’m a whiner, I have it sooooo easy)  Then we all pack up and went to the Matinee for Ratatouille.  The kids loved it, and it was actually a really cute movie.  We had to go into Langley to see see the movie ’cause that was the ONLY place close that was still playing the movie.  After the movie was over we went and visited  my Dad at his office, and then went shopping for a few baby things.

We ended up picking up backpacks and school shoes for the kids, so they were happy.

That brings us to today.  We had a bunch of stuff planned.  Little things that required little to no money.  We were going to hit the Library, and let the kids take 5 dollars each and spend it at the Dollar Store, go to all 3 parks at Mill Lake, and finish up shopping for school supplies. (I just have a few things left to pick up). 

Jason & JosiahA friend of ours called us this morning, and adjusted those plans for us.  YAH!

Jason is down from Prince George, and got to see and hold Josiah.

I’m posting this picture to drive Lise mad with envy, and then maybe she’ll move back…..or maybe she’s still holding out hope that we’ll move up there.

Anyway, Love ya girl, and miss ya tons. 

It was so nice to see Jason, and we talked and talked and talked, and still didn’t get to say everything that we’ve have liked to.  We could talk forever. 

We really miss these guys.  They are AMAZING people, and we are worse off because they’ve moved so blinking far away.

 Movin’ on before I start thinking about it too much and cry…..

We did get out and pick up a bunch of school supplies, but I’m still looking for a few specific things.  Jon did take the kids to ONE of the parks at Mill Lake, but aside from an amazing visit, our day was pretty much shot.

Here is a cute picture of our little demon angel.

Here he is at one week old.

and Here’s Two Weeks

And we Absolutely LOVE this Lion King shot….love the arms and legs. 
They’re so long and scrawny.

Alrighty, I have so much more, but the little man is calling, and so I must go.

 Go and check out the new pics up over here.

Author: Patricia Culley

I'm the ringmaster of my own circus. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the monkeys.

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