On Monday morning, the kids and I decided to pack up and head out to the beach.
We threw together some food and grabbed our towels and blankets as well as the beach toys; jumped in the van and headed out to West Vancouver.

I love Ambleside Beach. Apart from the fact that I grew up there, its so easy to navigate with a hoard of children and gear in tow. You park and then walk across the driveway and onto the beach. It’s just right there. Which is SO nice when you are schlepping children and way to much stuff.

When we got there, it was gorgeous and sunny and EXTREMELY WINDY which made it also…..quite chilly. Which is not exactly what we were expecting.
I was SO THANKFUL that, at the last minute, I had grabbed my sweater. I would have been FREEZING without it.

The beach wasn’t packed, but neither was it empty. There was a HUGE number of half naked kids and about half as many completely wrapped up moms.
We laid the blankets down, the two little boys kicked a bucket load of sand onto the blankets and then took off to play. It was so nice to just sit and watch them play.

No worrying about them making noise or touching things that they shouldn’t. We are having some issues with the Strata in our complex and basically they are trying to impose a “children should be seen and not heard” policy which as you can imagine is not going over well with the parents in the complex….especially seeing as we do not live in an adult only complex. It’s made for a stressful spring/start to summer.

I’m praying for an amazing opportunity to be able to buy a “home” not a townhouse and on a piece of acreage would be even more incredible.

We hung out for a couple of hours and then……we decided to pack up and come home. It was just too windy to enjoy the beach. If the kids tried to play in the water they were frozen little popsicles because of the wind.
Jeremy even dug himself a huge hole/trench so that he could sit out of the wind.

After we ate lunch, the kids got popsicles from the concession stand and then we packed everything up and came home.
It was a fun adventure and one that we will do again….although hopefully not on such a cool windy day.
Once we got home the baby crashed hard. I love it when they play so hard that they pass out. He looks so little here. Hard to believe that he turned 2 on Sunday. The time goes by so fast.
