#microblogmonday 5

Photo-1Making Lists…………

………and conquering the world.

Ok, not really…..but today’s a good day. I feel good. And I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to accomplish a lot on my list today.

I so often feel like what I’m doing is pretty worthless. I know that being a mother and taking care of the house seems SO NOBLE and WORTHY…..but after doing it for 18 years with the ups and downs that we’ve lived through and are currently living through – it just feels like more I’m working triage in a mental hospital/garbage dump/cafeteria and less like the noble, worthy cause of “MOTHERHOOD”.

BUT……today feels like a good day and I am going to cross things off my list, like a boss.

I started with registering Judah in Kindergarten…..and that seems SO. VERY. CRAZY!!!!

What are your plans for the day?

#microblogmonday 4

A day late……….again!

I should just change the name to microblog Tuesday’s and maybe I’d be a bit more accurate. Mind you, then I’d probably get it done on Wednesdays…..so……yah!

For some reason, I had it in my head that yesterday was 2015 Kindergarten Registration and I alternated between moments of panic that I’d forget to bring in all the required paperwork, and a touch of sadness because my BABY……

It’s hard to believe that I’m signing my baby up for Kindergarten.

So, I walked up to the school early yesterday and just before I got there….I realized that Registration was actually January 19….not 12th.

So all those “feelings” for nothing….and now I get to do it all over again next Monday. HA! At least I have everything ready for next week. At least there’s that……

Daily Photos

Daily Photos

Super excited about the most recent art additions to our bathroom. We started with a blank slate….added some purple nail polish, layered in some blue ball point pen and rounded it out most recently with the black sharpie. A huge shout out to Josiah for tracing a sticker so we would know exactly where it should go. #bathroomgraffiti #siahchristopher #art #variousmediums
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