Today has been a really tough day for me. I can’t even tell you exactly why. Aside from the typical, special needs parent/business owner stress; I’ve done “okay” so far during the pandemic. But today I felt sad and discouraged and the tears fell easily. You know what…..that’s okay. It’s okay to feel, to process, to wallow, to acknowledge, to accept these feelings. They are feelings. They don’t make me good or bad. They don’t define me. They just are. They are MY FEELINGS. So……I didn’t do everything I had hoped or planned but I sat. I acknowledged the intensity of this year and the challenges. I was gentle with myself. And tonight I will go to bed and tomorrow will be a new day. #sadlight #allthefeelings #sadness #acceptance #understanding #compassion #covid19 #newdays
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Category: Instagram
Daily Photos
As my 13 year old transforms from a child to a young man, there are bits and pieces that remain the same….the pieces of hair that swirl and curl will forever remind me of the moments when he was a baby and I’d cradle him in my arms. #siahchristopher #growingup #holdlingon
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
In a effort to avoid the chaos of Halloween in our neighbourhood, we took the littles – they’re not so little anymore – and spent a night at the Hampton Inn in Langley. It was a fabulous little getaway and we’ll be returning, for sure. #minivacay #staycation #hamptoninn #halloween
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
#siahsays to me today….I hear you stayed up all night working. I can tell. You look like it. #brutalhonesty #tellitlikeitis #sotired #3hoursofsleep #workedallnight
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
I have never regretted painting my bathroom black. I love the contrast. Have you painted a room black before? Would you? #blackbathroom #homedecor #contrasts #boldchoice
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
I love being able to go to my backyard and harvest food to eat. I didn’t plant nearly as much as I typically do but I still reap a harvest, feed my family and enjoy feeling the dirt and life beneath my fingers. #urbangardener #backyardbounty #langleybc #foodtotable #greenbeans #tomatoes #carrots
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
Masks for my boys. I love being able to make and sew for my family. It makes feel all “Little House on the Prairie” with a side of super hero! #masks #sewing #usefulskills #xangelle #adjustableearstraps
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
How darling is this little pumpkin? It’s a scrap yarn project that I whipped up over the past couple of nights while watching a show. Now to find a sweet place to put it! #scrapyarnproject #crochetpumpkin #tinypumpkin #ilovefall
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
Gotta have those First Day Pictures, right? These boys are growing up so fast. #siahchristopher #judahzane
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Daily Photos
Progress on the rainbow of French knots. Almost finished! #embroidery #frenchknots #rainbows #arttherapy
Posted by Intagrate Lite