You’ll Never Believe This…but You Probably Will!

Sunday June 7th un-published post

Guess what our Realtor brought us this morning?

An offer from the owner’s of THE HOUSE.

I’m guessing that they figured that we were LYING when we said that we had another offer that we were planning on buying if they didn’t get back to us. SO STUPID!

I’m so upset.

This whole house buying thing should be an exciting time, right? I feel so disappointed and nervous and upset and bothered.

I feel like we made the right choice in choosing the town home over the house. We both felt like this town home “felt” like home when we walked in.

I think that the unknown is stressing me out.

Living with “the Strata”, and wondering how Jeremy will handle the “rules” of the Strata, and we read the minutes wrong in one area and totally believed that there was a rule that ALL the venetian blinds HAD to be down (touching the window sills) and the options were either opened or closed…..I would feel like I was in a prison. Apparently, the Strata “tried” to pass this as a rule and it was denied 9 votes to 11 votes. I can’t even fathom what kind of people live here. Not only that, but the kids aren’t allowed to ride their bikes in the complex. I’m not sure that there are any kids who are my kid’s ages let alone very many kids in the town home at all. I know there are a few and in the minutes over the past 2 years there is exactly ONE complaint about some owner putting up a swing set (which of course is going to get some flack as the rules clearly state that you CANNOT DO THAT under penalty of death). No Children related complaints, so that’s saying something.

Not sure what it’s saying exactly, but it’s got to be saying something, right?

I had this notion that when we bought our first place that I’d be so excited and that I’d be planning and dreaming and hoping and wishing and all I feel is………………depressed.

How horrid is that?

What is wrong with me?

I could be lying. I could tell you how excited I am. (I am excited to be putting money into our future and not into someone else’s future.) I could go on and on about how this is the best thing ever and blah, blah, blah, blah….

But I’m not. I’m just being honest.

This is all new for me and frankly a little scarey.

I’m not scared of the mortgage. Its just the blinking unknown……..

Why do all my control issues rise up now? I thought that I had made such big strides forward away from all that crap that terrorized my life for SO MANY YEARS…..why is it such an issue now.

I can see the town home in my head….when it’s been updated. It’s beautiful. It’s one of those things where you can look at it and even looking past the 80’s blue window treatments and curtains….and the carpet in the main floor bathroom (old man splash back, YUK!) and the pink-tinted white walls and I can see us entertaining and enjoying it. If we had unlimited funds, I would slightly rearrange the kitchen and put in an Island and shrink the length of one wall that separates the kitchen and dining room. See, I can totally see it. It’s a great place………

Monday morning now……I started this yesterday……

I thought I had finished this post up and published it, but apparently Jon and I were talking so much that I totally forgot that I hadn’t even finished this let alone posted it…..nice. Shows a little where my head space is.

I had a good sleep last night, and even though I still don’t feel SO FREAKING excited about everything….it doesn’t all feel quite so depressing.

I think that I’ll spend the day tidying my house and possibly packing a few things – if I feel like it. I’m just putting it out there that I am also going to make a meal plan for this week AND post it. It will help this week to flow just a little smoother.

Is it horrible that I am looking forward to September. Things should be settled by then (and here is here my inner pessimist says, “Yah, but what new things will come have come up….isn’t that horrid?) and we will be living in our house and settling into routines and I’m hoping that I will feel a bit less “outta control”.

I am only slightly apologizing for my extreme over use of punctuation. It’s a semi-accurate representation of how I feel – all exclaim-ey and everything.

Well, I’m off to figure out a meal plan for this week and then I’ll post it and My next post after that…..

I’m gonna post about something that has NOTHING to do with all this stupid house business. YAH!!!!

Author: Patricia Culley

I'm the ringmaster of my own circus. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the monkeys.

4 thoughts on “You’ll Never Believe This…but You Probably Will!”

  1. TOWNHOUSE!!!!

    We wonder what the issues with the house really are if there has been this much dickin’ around and we really don’t trust the situation with the house to be a good one.

  2. SWEET!

    When is the closing date? Make sure you get it inspected, right?

    And don’t forget.. rules are meant to be broken. If anyone complains about your kids, you let them know that one day they will rule this land and let’s see how they (the complainers) like your kids then. Ha! 🙂

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