Just Clicking Away

I keep clicking over here and looking at this page and then clicking away as I’m not really sure what to say.

I went to see Geli at her Track & Field Day today….

So Proud of Her...

She was in high jump and discus throw, but we could only stay and see her do the high jump and well, she had two tries and didn’t make the lowest attempt, but I would say that 90% of the girls trying didn’t even clear the pads never mind the bar and so they were definitely weeding out the riff raff right off the bat.

I had this whole post in my head about how the “middle school PONG” was so bloody strong at the stadium, that you would have thought that it was an enclosed space. WOW! I can’t even fathom helping out at the school if the open air stadium smelled that bad. I do realize that it was a hot sunny day and that the majority of these kids are full on hitting puberty and also have no working knowledge of either deodorant or showers, but seriously….I was truly amazed at the stench that sat like fog in that place. It was UNBELIEVABLE!

Click on the picture to see some other shots from the event.

Then Jon and I headed out to our weekly Sushi Date. This is pretty much our only “protected” time of the week. Pretty much NOTHING messes with out one hour Thursday Sushi Date.

Siah was too cute. He loves coming with us and we love having him While it’s not the same as a NO CHILD date, it’s still pretty awesome.

Tea Time

We are going into Vancouver tomorrow to look at a bunch of town homes and one house in the hopes of finding something within our price range to be able to move into this summer.

I’m equally excited and terrified and annoyed and worn out. It’s an awesome ball of emotions and probably what’s wearing me completely out right now.

And that is why I keep coming here, wanting to post, but clicking away. I don’t know what to say and like this post shows…..I feel like I’m just verbally diarrhea-ing on you all. I LOVE this place. It’s MY PLACE. It’s my place to talk and chat and emote and I feel so tapped out that I’m not even sure what to talk about or chat about or even to emote about.

I have pictures lined up in iPhoto that I need to upload, and now it feels like they are so old that what is the point….I think that all the travel and uncertainty are just really wearing on me.

I need to get settled and we are working on that. This has just been a very loooooooong year with a freakload of commuting and well….I’m tired.

Is it summer, yet? I need a vacation.

I’d love a child free vacation, but I’m still nursing and so that’s a ways off yet.

That’s a whole ‘nuther post….if I could ever get enough emotional energy to write about. Yes, I am extended nursing. And I realize that Siah is at the age were others think that he (and I) should just stop and well….I’m not planning to yet. I am expecting the comments to start any time now and realize that there are some who are not commenting, but are sure thinking their comments and while I’d love to say that I don’t really care. It’s not the truth. I don’t like to be judged. I try desperately hard to not judge and I’d rather talk about “why” I can chose to make this decision for my son and myself and my family and that we could agree to be different.

But..it’s a big long topic and one I’m not going to try and deal with today. Maybe another day….soon????

I’d also like to talk about working outside of the home. Again, another day…

Also, moving into Vancouver…..BIG FREAKIN’ ISSUE……and terribly expensive and so against what we want in our lives and yet so much a part of what we want in our lives…..and once again…that freaking dichotomy……..

Also, Jeremy….he is at least a few posts in and off himself……oh man…

Well, I’m gonna sign off and hope for better things tomorrow.

ps. Can I just say that after using my father-in-laws camera, I HATE my stupid little camera. I LOVE his Nikon D90 and when we have a spare $grand+ kicking around I’d love to get one.

Author: Patricia Culley

I'm the ringmaster of my own circus. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the monkeys.

One thought on “Just Clicking Away”

  1. yah pre-teens pretty much are RANK!!

    my kids have had mini track meets this week too, I think the big one is next week!

    I feel the same way, I start thinking of stuff to blog about then I get there and think, wow thats so boring or who cares or I am a BROKEN record….so I haven’t posted much!!
    love all your random thoughts!

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready to be settled too, like any day now 🙂

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