Happy Day

It’s been a great day so far.

I got a text at 12:02am…..actually, lets back up a little.  Mum C  came out yesterday afternoon, and took me shopping and out for coffee.  So much fun!

Then, First thing today at 12:02am,  I was in bed reading…Josiah had just gone to sleep, and I was winding down when I heard my phone chime – letting me know I had a msg.  I contemplated leaving it ’till the morning, but I couldn’t sleep knowing that “I had a text!“  So I slithered slowly out of bed so as not to disturb the sleeping prince, and…….my baby brother had wished me my first birthday wish.  He’s so sweet.  I went to sleep after that.

Josiah wished me a freakin’ happy birthday from 3:12am until 4:25am, and let me tell you……I was so excited that he woke me up to tell me that.  When I crawled out of bed bleary eyed at about 9am, I wobbled into the bathroom to see what new wrinkles “32” had brought me, but it’s really hard to differentiate between the wrinkles and the bags, so I just slathered on 50 lbs of make up, and called it a draw.

My grandma came over this morning, and cleaned my kitchen.  It was almost the “bestest” birthday present EVER.  I HATE cleaning the kitchen, and she even mopped my floor.  Then  she helped to fold my mountain of laundry.  It was so nice to feel like I’m a little bit ahead of the game instead of always a step behind.

Then, Jon took me and a friend out for Japanese food.

I’ve not done a whole lot of Japanese food “restauranting”, and aside from California Rolls – my Japanese food experiences have been very limited.

 It was all very delicious, and I really enjoyed myself.  I even got a present.  Thanks, P.D.!

Then, I headed off to my OB/GYN, where I fully expected to get back in the saddle, but was pleasantly surprised when he informed me that I wasn’t due for the dreaded PAP unil March…..sweet!  It was a quick in and out visit, and I headed off to the post office “cause I’d recieved a notice that there was a package for me.

ITZBEENGuess what I got?  Someone sent me this, and I LOVE IT.  It’s all ready worth every penny that was paid for it just for one simple function.  It counts how long in between feedings and diapers and sleepings, but when you press the button, you no longer have to try and remember the time that you started feeding, and to be calculating how long you’ve been nursing for – it calculates that for you.  That is a something that I am having a hard time with.  Sleep Deprevation is kicking my butt,  and messing with my brain.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, you know who! 

This was a fabulous birthday present, even if you didn’t realize that it was my birthday.

This evening, the kids requested a special dinner for my birthday, and so I made myself a roast chicken dinner with potatoes and veggies and gravy, and yorkshire pudding.  That was so nice of me to make that for myself.  It was delicious, and the kids ate and ate and ate until I thought they’d be sick! 

This was the best part of my day.  I couldn’t be more thankful for this……..

Kids and I

Author: Patricia Culley

I'm the ringmaster of my own circus. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the monkeys.

9 thoughts on “Happy Day”

  1. Beautiful birthday picture Patti good job you are not Hillary Clinton or you would be getting big feed back about showing your cleavage (ha ha )Glad you had a good day but was sorry you had to make your own Birthday supper. What was I thinking about/ Maybe I had babies that night ,actually I think I did have the twins til after 10:30 that night. Good enough excuse?? Love you Grandma

  2. Grandma,
    Always noticing the cleavage huh! 🙂
    Patti, Maybe you need a little lacy, lacy somethin’ there!

  3. remember (when you were in kid’s camp)and one of you girls asked Todd on the bus to camp… ‘what’s cleavage? too funny…..and I remember Michelle saying to Grandma just after that…. Nice Cleavage Grandma. She was about 10 years old. I think.

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