And Another One Bites the Dust

I’m SO glad the weekend’s over.

I tweeted on Friday that I was so glad the weekend was here…..but I forgot some tiny, pesky little details…..things like, i had to work half a day on Saturday, and then Sunday is a work day and well…..that means that the other half of Saturday was my/our “down time”


Yah Right! The older girls had a birthday party to go to (My niece turned 11 – it’s hard to believe how big these girls are getting now. We just counted tonight and there are only 77 days until I have a teenager in the house….AAAAAWWWWWKKKKK!) and well, we drove them there, and then had to do a Costco Run after we dropped them off. Too many dollars later and just enough time to get home, drop everything off and then it was time for the pick up run. Then, it was get the kids home and into bed early as they had stayed up WAY too late on Friday night watching a movie with Dad (I went to bed ’cause I’m smart like that – or maybe just boring like that…hmmmm) and SHAZAM – there goes the evening.

I did fold 4 loads of laundry – that’s got to count for something right.

Now, here we are and the kids are in bed and Jon is musing about picking up some thing to snack on and watching a movie and I’m dreaming about tomorrow…….our day off………

Which would be awesome, if we didn’t have to go grocery shopping!

There’s always something, eh?

It’s about time for a vacation, I’m thinking.

Wouldn’t it be nice to go somewhere warm and sunny?

I can dream, can’t I?

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Author: Patricia Culley

I'm the ringmaster of my own circus. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the monkeys.

3 thoughts on “And Another One Bites the Dust”

  1. Vacation? What’s a vacation? I do not believe I know this word. It’s not in my vocabulary. 😉
    But if I knew what this vacation thing was I would totally go to a warm, sunny beach, on an island where no one could find me. I wouldn’t mind gorgeous mountains and a log cabin as log as it was summertime and no cold or snow around anywhere!

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