I’m Dreaming of…..

Not sure what craziness was going on last night, but all 4 of the males in our house were taking part in some crazy sleep deprivation thing.

Yah, Jon, Jeremy, Josiah and Judah….all of them were awake pretty much mostly from 2:30am until 5:30am….That means that basically Geli and Xani got to sleep last night and the rest of us….well, we were mostly up.

And so I feel a bit like a zombie today. I was hoping to accomplish SO MUCH MORE and yet, no. Grocery Shopping it is.

The baby is playing nicely on the floor beside me and the girls are in the basement playing. Jon has taken the boys to run a chore and at this exact moment, I’m sitting on my couch. Counting down the minutes until I could possibly go to bed for the night.

I’m figuring that if Judah goes to sleep between 7:30pm and 8pm then I’m looking at 4.5 hours….maybe I could even just take him to bed with me and make it half an hour earlier….

Yup, that about how exciting life is today. I’m dreaming of………sleep.

And when I’m this tired, there is really no flowing coherent thought, other than…..I just want to sleep and so I shall end this post and keep myself busy until the most wonderful time of the……..day.

Author: Patricia Culley

I'm the ringmaster of my own circus. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the monkeys.

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