The Grey Creeps in…..

I’ve been having a harder and harder time getting up in the morning. Every year as the summer winds down I dread the coming wet, grey months. Here in BC it’s been so beautiful this fall and we’ve had this amazing extended summer. I’ve been so thankful and yet……the mornings are getting darker and I’ve been feeling draggier and draggier.


I’m upping my Vitamin D and sitting in front of my happy light, but I still feel……..well, it’s not that I feel sad or even depressed, but I just feel like I have 1,000 lb weights attached to me.

I feel so different in the summer. I feel so ALIVE! Even if I’m tired…..I can bounce out of bed (Maybe wobble is a more accurate term), but now…….

I don’t want to get up. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to do what I know I have to, and that SUCKS!

Do you struggle with the long, dreary days of fall/winter/spring? I think that the length of our “grey” season must have something to do with it. What do you do to fight off the darkness? I’d love to hear your suggestions…..or even just to know that I’m not alone in this…..

Author: Patricia Culley

I'm the ringmaster of my own circus. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the monkeys.

4 thoughts on “The Grey Creeps in…..”

  1. Hi Patti Yes the Sunshine does make a difference,you should come to Abbotsford and sit on my balcony,it is beautifully sunny and warm. I do know the grey rainy days are not that inspiring, but the brown grass will turn green with a little of this rain. I find that if I put on some good praise and worship music ,it isn’t long until I find myself singing along with them and I feel better. Do you remember Verne and Marion goertz–Verne died this morning. Yestrday we had a funeral for Margret Hogen ,one of the ladies who always ushered . On the 21 of Nov her and I would have had twin birthdays. She had helped at the coffee shop the day before at Garden Park Towers. We have five new families at Alderbrook,and about 80 kids . It is very encouraging for Pastor. Good to hear from you Patti and you can erase this if you like. Don’t know where to send you a private message Love and prayers Grandma

  2. I hear ya! I can’t say I felt it when we lived in the lower mainland, but I do know what you mean. Our children were babes and we were forced to get up with them and outside with them. As they got older and I’d let them go outside on their own, I lacked the fresh air and noticed a difference. Have you heard that your body needs more sleep in the winter? That may have something to do with it. I have an aunt that lives in your neck of the woods and she feels the same.

  3. Reminds me of the years in northern Ontario — my mantra was “I don’t want to be here, I DON’T want to be here, I don’t Want to be here, I don’t want to BE here, I don’t want to be HERE.” Vancouver’s better, but the shorter days send me into hibernation mode.

  4. I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! Glad you are doing the vitamin D and the happy light. I have the same light….right after the time changes I’m hit with it and I go into hibernation mode. I just want to stay in my jammies and lie under the covers and eat macaroni and cheese all day. I don’t want to go out, visit people, go for coffee…nothing. It’s just a blah darkness. And then the summer comes and BOOM! I wake up!!! I sincerely think MSP should cover winter vacations to Hawaii for people like us! advice…just a shared pain. It’s helpful to let people know…often they think you are ignoring them or “something’s wrong”, when in reality it’s just so darn hard to get out of the house.
    Hang in there….spring is coming….

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