Well, I did it and I survived.
Saturday morning, I was up bright and early after about 3 hours of sleep. Geli and I got ready and then took off for the school.
Putting Labels on the Night Before
We got there just after 8:30am and it was scheduled to start at 9:30am.
We found our table and got everything set up.
I was so nervous and ended up texting Jon that I felt like I was going to be sick. I know that it was ridiculous, but…..it is what it is.
The Craft Fair opened its doors and people started to come in.
I wasn’t sure what to expect, but people came……some walked by and some stopped and bought and some didn’t……..and it’s all okay!
It was AMAZING to have a few of you come up and introduce yourselves. It was SO nice to put names to faces.
Probably my favorite moments of the day were when I had people come up and mention that they had problems with their skin and then they tried some of the Simple Beauty Products. To have them mention how amazing the products felt or how they didn’t hurt or burn their skin like some other creams and lotions have, and how they noticed that they felt “better” even after just a few minutes……that was my favorite part. It felt wonderful to be able to have these products that could help other people. I know how they have helped in our family; and to be able to share that…….AMAZING!
If you are interested in checking out what products there are, just click here on the link, and it will take you straight there.
To all who came by the table this past weekend….
I am so thankful for your support and encouragement.
It means so much!
Thanks for all the product today… made a beautiful birthday gift. And thanks for the card, for the gift wrap and the ribbon. You are a one stop shop…. hee hee thanks!
Love the baby bumm stuff.