Yesterday was World Autism Day. Some people like to Light it up Blue. Some want it Red Instead. I want people to be aware, accepting and appreciative of neurological differences, of all differences.

I get that not everyone likes everyone else. Nor should they have to.
BUT……when people (like but not limited to, my children) are mocked, disregarded, and excluded because “they are different“, we as a society need awareness.
My child was recently in a situation where he was trying to “fit in” with peers. Instead of acceptance, these peers were obviously annoyed and angry with his socially awkward attempts. These weren’t bad kids, but when you don’t know or understand; there is need for awareness. When you reject people because they are different or awkward; there is a need for acceptance. It’s especially difficult because his “disability” isn’t physically visible at first glance.
Invisible Disabilities are disabilities that are not often immediately apparent. These are things like (but not limited to) vision, audio or neurological differences. You can’t see them like a visible disability, like (but not limited to) a missing limb or paralysis.
As a society, we (often) have more grace for people with visible disabilities. We can give them understanding because we can see what they might struggle with. Too often we have little to no patience for those people with invisible disabilities. They are often judged to be weird or even stupid; and others often get frustrated when they do things that are deemed to be outside of “typical behaviours.”
It’s really not hard to kind. It’s not a hardship to be compassionate and understanding. It’s not difficult to be respectful of other human beings, no matter what their differences are.
I adore what Chris Ulmer is doing to normalize the diversity of the Human Condition with his organization “SBSK”. You can check his work out at
They say,
“We believe that when you take the time to hear someone’s story
and view life from their perspective, you learn and grow as a human.”
We need to recognize that diversity is beautiful and that every single person has something to give. Every person has value and worth. When we can take the time to look beyond the disability and to really know them then we will see their value and worth and appreciate what they bring into our world.